Wednesday, July 29, 2009

me myself and I

me : had half my thyroid our last Thursday evening... one week has passed now

myself : had to accept I could not do everything I wanted - care for kids, clean house, eat

I : feel a lot better now.

Just yesterday I began to feel like myself. Today I worked half a day, snuck in a business meeting which I may add involved a VERY delicious cup-cake (yay me!). Then I came home, had a snack and a rest, and played yes PLAYED with the baby! How fun. Hmmn... toddler really I guess. Does that officially change when they are one? or begin to toddle? he does toddle. Super cute toddle in fact!

Anyways... I FEEL BETTER!!!!

I was surprised at how lowsy I actually felt. Maybe from going under- I just could not snap out of it. I was able to cut out the strong pain killers after the first day, and still I felt dopey. Dizzy and pukey actually. I thought it would vanish when I moved onto plain tylenol - but nope... still there. I never did vomit, but felt like I was fighting it. I still feel like someone is choking me, but it is starting to diminish.

My incision is just wee ( still covered with some steri-strip) and maybe an inch and a half at most. This pleases me. It itches. This does not please me.

I can shower. This pleases me. I need to stay out of water, like a pool. This does not please me. Two invites to great outdoor pools since surgery. SIGH

I lived through it. This quite pleases me. And life goes on.

Will get thyroid levels tested in three weeks. Then we'll see what is next.
I am blessed.


Tonikka said...

itch good means you are healing babe!!

Tonikka said...

update update... totally need an

i got post card info....