Monday, October 19, 2009

if I had my life to live over ...

I would make a big change. For myself, I would buy only one style of socks. Yes, that's right, just one style, and then about 20 pairs of it. All the same colour. Then, never would I have to sort. match, hunt... and if one had a hole, I would only toss that one. ( or use it for dusting if you are an eco-queen)

Repeat process with entire family of five. Everyone gets their own colour.

Imagine the time I would save if I did not have to sort through a monstrous pile of socks. Oh the things I could do. Like vacuum. Or dishes. Maybe take a walk. Save the world. Cure some awful disease. I could make a difference! Instead... I must do my time at the sock pile. And so it continues.

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