The flu is here... well not the real flu the health folks warn you about and want you to get the shot, but the puking "and more" flu.
Saw this coming... lurking in the shadows waiting to pounce. So many of the kids friends and some extended family have been ill. Can't believe it got us! Gotta be thankful as always though. Thankful everyone got sick
at home, not school or the mall or someone else's house. Everyone made it to the loo or bucket in time. THANK YOU KIDS!!! I am worried it'll be me next, so I am madly trying to get laundry caught up. I am super germaphobe with vomit so new bedding all around, needed or not.
And I use these wonderful NORWEX cloths for cleaning instead of chemicals... really they are the best! Best for your family and environment.. you need some too! So anyways, gotta wash the cloths. Back to how madly I am doing laundry... I have four baskets to put away, yet here I am typing away... lying by me sweet sick girl. And a pile at the machines. But we all know it can keep.
Went shopping to The Mall last night.. All the young punks... loved it!!! I actually am not a fan of the mall, but I had my 8 year old daughter along (and sister in law) and we had some great conversations about how all the teens were presenting themselves. It was interesting listening to what my daughter thought of all their clothes and hair. I am pretty sure she will have bright crayola coloured hair one day, but on the flip side I am equally sure she will not show her bare belly or thong with low jeans. (alleluia!)
It was fun to shop with her. I was quite sure she was getting sick though as she was just not her 100% fun self, even though we had a great time together. The mall was uber hot too, guess they had the hot heat still pumping in, even though it was warmer outside. I guess it's not quite spring yet... wishful thinking! But we did make our reservations for beach camping this week!! Got me looking through the pics from last year! I ma quite excited, and we are going with a great group of people again. (unless I am at the reef!!! )
Threw in some pictures to get you thinking about summer... bike rides... kayaking... can't wait!