Thursday, March 12, 2009

This weak week. Some Vents. Some thanks. Some prayers.

WOW!  What a day.  So far this week:
  • I did our Monday donation to goodwill.  I handed the big blue bag to my DH and suggested he put it in a black bag so kids would not look.  Next thing I know he's pulling stuff out.  Seriously!  Gotta be more careful next time!  It is getting harder and harder to do.
  • I totally dislike the time change.  I understand why we used to do it... do we still need to?  My 8 year old daughter is still wide awake at - what!!!  it's almost 11 pm!!!!
  • I am quite addicted to other people's blogs.  I wish more of my friends did it.  I just read strange random women's  blogs.  Mostly other mothers.  Thank you random strangers for sharing!
  • Extremely stressful week at kids school with the parent volunteers for the school dance.  UN-BEE-LEE-VA-BULL!!!  Most everyone - thanks for your time, but:  Way to suck my enthusiasm guy.  GRRR.  You robbed me of time with my kids and instead I spent it stressing about you.  Never again!
  • I am proud when I confronted individual mentioned in above point I did not lose my cool, I did not yell and I did not CRY!!!!  Yeah, my eyes teared at the very end of our "talk" but nay a tear rolled down!  THIS IS NEWS FOR ME PEOPLE!!!!
  • ahhhh VICKS.  I love you.  As I sit here and lose my voice... I love you.
  • Cannot wait for this warm next few days.  Oh Sweet Spring - I need you!
  • Cleaned out the van today.  WAAAAAAAY too hard to carry extra stuff in at minus 4o C when you have 3 kids.
  • I have tried black coffee 2 times this week - secretly.  Not bad.  Might consider it.  Might.
  • I have amazing friends and neighbours.  Everyone volunteered to drive extra when it was uber cold so babe and I could stay home.  I am so very blessed.
  • A dear old friend had surgery today.  BC.  I am praying for her and her family.  I do not think anyone knows.  I will respect that.
  • Another dear friend's mama has been in hospital for very long while... I am praying for her and her family.
  • The Island reef job has some scandal I think with an applicant. Porn or something.   More to come I bet.  Shoulda picked me!
  • Got some work done this week for the business.  Feel better about that.
  • got 1/4 of new pictures into album!!!  I am on a roll!
  • cleaned all the bathrooms, and got new laundry hampers for laundry room ( 3 to sort in) and that REALLY makes me excited and grateful!  Kids like it too.
  • I really appreciate the amazing neighbours I have - hope they never move!
We saw a women at the store Tuesday night.  It was almost 10 and she had 5 little girls with her at check out.  (foster kids maybe? - ages were all really close, but not impossible I guess)  Anyways, one kids was fullout temper tantrumming (totally not a word - I know!) on the floor and eveything for half an hour.  this women was so calm and kind.  She did not cave, she kept her cool and patience.  I was quite impressed.  All the while she respected this little girl and allowed her dignity.  It was so well handled, I actually went up and told her.  Let's all cheer each other on!

1 comment:

Wildman93 said...

Sorry you didn't get picked for the Top 50 in the Island Caretaker job. Check out my reviews of the competition...

I've Got a Golden Ticket