Thursday, November 5, 2009

this too...

I also lost the uber cool new monkey hat for my baby.
And my new jeans are missing.
And the baby's ninja shirt.
Too weird.
Did I forget to unpack a suitcase or something?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I wish I could find..

one size 5 awesome green toddler shoe. (just the one shoe)
one ziplock bag with son's "home reading words"
one library book (okay - from last year)
one toddler's birth certificate (really!)
blank cheques
one old cassette tape with my dad being interviewed on it. (subject : goldpanning)
wedding ring

the list goes on...
and may I add, I am actually quite organized.
Where oh where have all these things gone?
This is what makes me nervous to toss too much, as I may toss the " hidden" object.
Exactly what book did the birth certificate get tucked in?
Smell what I'm cooking?

These missing items play on my mind too much.
I'll continue pray to St. Anthony, my buddy.

"The fame of St. Anthony's miracles has never diminished, and even at the present day he is acknowledged as the greatestthaumaturgist of the times. He is especially invoked for the recovery of things lost, as is also expressed in the celebratedresponsory of Friar Julian of Spires:

Si quaeris miracula . . .
. . . resque perditas."

And so it goes.

On a happy note, I took the time to enjoy tea and a mini (very colourful) make-over session with my daughter Sunday night! Loving LIFE!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Boo! Halloween Party

We had an awesome Neighbourhood Halloween Party yesterday!
This was our FIFTH ANNUAL party for Halloween.
A few things we never change. Our invites are a paper ghost. We print out the info on white card stock and then cut it out to look like a ghost. When you are invited, you find a ghost taped to you door or window. BOO! Yes, occasionally they do blow off in the wind. Sad to hear about that after, like when your friend finds it months later... you know who you are!!

We always have CRAFTS for the kids. It is my kids' favorite part, and I try not to let them know what they are before the party.
This year the kids made:
Lollipop spiders and ghosts.
Window Hangers "stained glass" that the kids coloured with permanent markers instead of paint, and this worked wonderfully!

Fun Popcorn Hands

They made Halloween Bracelets also
We also had an assortment of foam pieces and pumpkin cut outs that they could decorate how they chose.

Quite pleased with our drink offerings this year! We would not tell what exactly it was either. I did have to make clear to a few of the boys the PRETENDNESS of the "poison".
We also made a gross PUNCH with tapioca "frogs eggs" and "eye of newt" at the bottom. I added some food colouring to the water for each when I made the pearls. This too was a hit!

Made some FUN cookies and some Yum cookies.
Top tray are Pumpkin Chocolate Chip. I must say these are a new fave!
Good old sugar cookies underneath. I used chocolate chips and licorice for the faces, just cut it.

I do not know if you can tell how awesome this is on your monitor! It is some kubasa ( or garlic coil/sausage) with cheese around.
The cheese are half a cheese string, with an almond slice "nail" attached with cream cheese. (you need to cut a little slice off the top of the cheese to flatten that spot) Then using a pairing knife, made some "knuckles".
Kids LOVED THESE fingers!

Tried to catch a picture of my favorite little skunk... always moving!

All the kids dressed up - it was GREAT!

I think everyone has a great time. It is such a TREAT to meet all the neighbours. So many are surprised to discover just how many kids there are around. We have a lot of fun doing it, and plan to keep at it. The kids are getting even more involved in the planning and food prep now. Thank you everyone for coming!
This brings us together as a family, and then a community.
It is all about TAKING THE TIME!

Monday, October 19, 2009

if I had my life to live over ...

I would make a big change. For myself, I would buy only one style of socks. Yes, that's right, just one style, and then about 20 pairs of it. All the same colour. Then, never would I have to sort. match, hunt... and if one had a hole, I would only toss that one. ( or use it for dusting if you are an eco-queen)

Repeat process with entire family of five. Everyone gets their own colour.

Imagine the time I would save if I did not have to sort through a monstrous pile of socks. Oh the things I could do. Like vacuum. Or dishes. Maybe take a walk. Save the world. Cure some awful disease. I could make a difference! Instead... I must do my time at the sock pile. And so it continues.

Monday, October 12, 2009

there it is, for you.
I'm giving it.
so take it.

Monday, September 7, 2009

photo challenge

Go into your 9th photo folder and pick out the 7th picture, in honor of today's date of course. Share!

I know, gtcha wondering just how exciting the rest of our photos are.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

me myself and I

me : had half my thyroid our last Thursday evening... one week has passed now

myself : had to accept I could not do everything I wanted - care for kids, clean house, eat

I : feel a lot better now.

Just yesterday I began to feel like myself. Today I worked half a day, snuck in a business meeting which I may add involved a VERY delicious cup-cake (yay me!). Then I came home, had a snack and a rest, and played yes PLAYED with the baby! How fun. Hmmn... toddler really I guess. Does that officially change when they are one? or begin to toddle? he does toddle. Super cute toddle in fact!

Anyways... I FEEL BETTER!!!!

I was surprised at how lowsy I actually felt. Maybe from going under- I just could not snap out of it. I was able to cut out the strong pain killers after the first day, and still I felt dopey. Dizzy and pukey actually. I thought it would vanish when I moved onto plain tylenol - but nope... still there. I never did vomit, but felt like I was fighting it. I still feel like someone is choking me, but it is starting to diminish.

My incision is just wee ( still covered with some steri-strip) and maybe an inch and a half at most. This pleases me. It itches. This does not please me.

I can shower. This pleases me. I need to stay out of water, like a pool. This does not please me. Two invites to great outdoor pools since surgery. SIGH

I lived through it. This quite pleases me. And life goes on.

Will get thyroid levels tested in three weeks. Then we'll see what is next.
I am blessed.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Busy Me...

Have had a couple super busy yet wonderful weeks!
Had the kids in a nature camp half days last week - that was well worth it! They really enjoyed it, and aside from holidays/trips, they are free of commitments for now. Yay us!

Had the absolute pleasure of being present for my new nephews birth - I can see how that is addicting! Such a high! What a gift that was they gave me.

Back at work a bit... Street Sale and Art Walk was this weekend, so that was busy!

Lost my cable for my laptop, using husbands... really REALLY need the files on mine for the postcard info... must find it!

Flipped and painted the kids rooms. Rooms look great, but there is a plethora of forgotten toys in the hall and my room... and we have not traded their closets yet...
See? It's been too busy to do it!

Cleaned many toilets and tubs this week... never ending....

Bought some new shelves to address some of the problems.

Took a great workshop on composting - must quit putting things into garbarator - since I cannot even spell the word garburator... see?

Wishing I had a magic wand....
Or at least an easier time parting with things...
Love using these three little dots....
Bet they have a real name....
Anyone know it?

Friday, July 3, 2009

baby spiders

We keep finding these huge clusters of the cutest wee baby spiders... soooo many! So far we have found three and a half around our house. I say " a half" because one group keeps splitting and regrouping... hmmm....
Kids are thrilled of course and keep checking on them. With the recent rain they wanted to "save" them, but it all turned out okay. The babes pictured here have "moved on" already. Likely to my neighbour who does not like spiders.
We think they are orb spiders, but hard to see.
In my life, I have never come across this sight. Quite the treat!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Square Foot Garden

I broke a few rules of the square foot garden - one being you should be able to access it from all around.  I can access/reach most of it without "climbing" in.  Will need to just for peas and beans, but that's not for a while.   There is a space between fence and raised bed with sweetpeas that are a couple inches up now, and the back has delphiniums, hollyhocks and poppies - we'll see what grows.  Not much sun down between them.  Thought it'd be stunning to have all the flowers behind.  We'll see!   Kids filled planter pots with all kinds of seeds, will move then to deck as soon as they do not need such babying and frequent watering.  PLanted dill, irish bells, nastursiums, poppies, and other assorted mysteries.
Spinach on the left front here, with peppers behind then peas.  Centre row I think is carrots at front, then maybe beets then the Magic Beans (came in a magic bag as gift to son - they will be a surprise!  Cannot say for sure without reading marker what is next.  Maybe rainbow chard?

Check out the corn in the barrel!  It is loving it so far!  I did cheat and plant this already at about a six inch height, but it's well over a foot now - or 30 cm :)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Chenille Embroidered Blanket

Well - just in the nick of time (before the baby turned ONE!) I finally finished the baby's blanket!  Now keep in mind , the "experts" recommend you do not actually use a blanket on the baby until they are older - so in that regard this is just on time!
Both Grandmas (Nanny) did a square of embroidery, and two were done by yours truly!
I am quite pleased with it!  What do you think?

Monday, June 8, 2009

How Does Your Garden Grow?

We tried a new approach to our raised bed this year. We had to move it's location on account of the dogs...
and giant holes in the lawn...anyways!  The beautiful garden is now at the front of our yard, away from the pups who have their own huge run area filled with pea gravel and the kids play gym they like. (yes, they even go down the slide sometimes!)
The lawn is looking fantastic, providing enough oxygen for my family for the year (hehe).
The garden is being approached in the "square foot gardening" method.  Dividing your garden into plots and planting this way instead of rows increases your yield alot.  I think (read :hope) it cuts down on space available for weeds.
I read on line not to use soil mix, but vermiculite and peat and?? sand maybe??  I cannot remember what else, but alas I already had lovely soil, so we kept with it.  I did find some sites where people had success with soil as well.

Here are some images of the kids helping plant.  It is already growing, and as soon as the sun shines I'll get some picks of it growing.  So far so good.

One planting peas and beans, one writing the markers out.  TEAMWORK!!!!
I love this sweet baby's face when he got to put his hands into that soil!!!  HAPPINESS!!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

oh... the lawn and Can you believe it's almost a year???

me lawn is finally growing, but still lots of bare spots.
Oh seed, please grow...

The school had a pirate gypsy dance on Friday, as ye can see it is still on me mind.
My friend and I volunteered waaaayyy too much time for it.

I still never put my first kids pictures into albums like I promised myself I would during this Mat leave which is almost- oops- it's over.

Me babe is almost one!


I planted a new willow bush/shrub today.  I love willows.
Looking for a golden willow.

Sold some more things on kijiji.  I love kijiji.  Alot.

I am the most blessed mama ever.  And my husband is amazing.  Lucky us!

Still waiting for a surgery date to get half my thyroid out.  Grrr.
End of summer at the soonest.

But we are healthy.
and HAPPY.


Friday, May 15, 2009

to do list:

Stand before the people you fear and
Speak your mind,
even if your voice shakes.
Maggie Kuhn

Monday, May 11, 2009


Well, time - there just simply is not enough of it.
and yes, I know I said Laundry 2X Haha
Had 4 cubic yards of soil delivered this weekend.
yup, that's alot.  and 4 more of mulch.
what was I thinking?????
so when is one to blog?  Let alone follow twitter?
ride a bike? I'd pick that over twitter.
Left some online groups - and WOW! I survived of course!
Easy to do when your interests change.
Having trouble getting the goodwill bag every Monday - but purging weekly.

Happiness is in us, not in things.  *sigh*

Well this blog post simply shared nothing of me with you, except that there is too much to do!

Mother's day was AWESOME!
thanks kids and DH!
taught Sunday school
had lunch with MIL, FIL GIL, and mama
was delish!
worked in yard.
then the fun!
went through the kids keepsake boxes with them - pure JOY!!!  all that little baby stuff!  Put the  baby's stuff into one also.  
I am so blessed.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I really love it.
We sold our trailer asap on kijiji and also bought 2 desks.
We currently have 2 ponds for sale now.
So easy! - yup!  I did it all by myself.
It is also very addictive.

My second born turned 6 this week - such a sweet big boy, who currently has a fever.  Poor guy.  At least he was well for his actual b-day and will be better before his school party.  I let him choose his guest list, and really tried to honour his choice.  I wanted to add a couple of girls, but he only wanted the boys.  I will respect that, tough though, as he really likes a couple girls.  He is such a joy!  I am really enjoying time spent with him.  I will miss that next year when he is in grade one all day.  Maybe that's why kids get home schooled.

Went to the meeting tonight for new neighbourhood school, to open fall 2010.
I am so EXCITED for this!
It will be so amazing.
Any doubts I had were gone in that meeting.
They also had some brainstorming sessions and we all got to give input.

ah well,
this post is just a little of this, and a little of that!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Christ has Risen - Rejoice!

What a beautiful Easter weekend!
I really enjoyed it... and really "got it" this year.
We started off being at church Good Friday - which I explained to the kids is almost like a funeral for Jesus.  Then I started to view it that way... thinking about the poor Blessed Mother, and I had tears.  So overwhelming to think of what Jesus went through for us!  I was on the verge of tears all weekend!  

On Holy Saturday we blessed our baskets and my daughter and I went to confession.  Quite a feeling after really.  A person really should experience the peace and calm of this sacrament.

Today, on Easter Sunday, we attended mass.  Yes, the "bunny" came to our house in the night.  We really downplayed this though.  I know my son "got it" too as he called my MIL and FIL tonight to tell them he lost a tooth - YES HE LOST HIS FIRST TOOTH!!!! - and he told my MIL that, and I quote, "Christ has Risen! Let us rejoice!"  - likely as a reply to her saying Happy Easter!  Hooray!

Today was perfect!

I read quite a few blogs, often some belonging to Mormans,  and LD Saints.  I really admire their faith, and their confidence to share it with others.  To testify.  I love my catholic faith, and am proud to be catholic.  I vow to share this part of me with more people.  that's right strangers and friends!  No more gezhundheit (sp?) for you... a cheerful God Bless you coming right at ya!

And as if this weekend could not improve... DH did the goodwill bag for tomorrow!!!!  Love HIM!  xoxo

Monday, April 6, 2009

ladybug day

today the kids saw ladybugs...
well, they saw spiders too, but I will focus on the ladybugs.
they also saw beetles - which ladybugs are - but not in their eyes I guess!

We have had a few uber busy weeks.  Nothing too exciting, and everyone is healthy and happy!
Husband and I were out of town together for 2 days with baby working... missed last Monday's goodwill bag, so today had to be double!  It is soooooo hard!  Until that garage warms up, I am just purging to fill the bag, so I needed to alter my rules.  I will count ANY large recycle/garbage bag leaving this house.  I donate a lot of the kids clothes to families we know, and my sister is expecting so baby stuff to her.  I gotta start counting this stuff... otherwise I'll be tempted to just goodwill it... and that's silly when someone I know could benefit also.  So there.  That's final.  I changed the rules!  Ha!  So today, two bags left to make up for last week.  One to my sister, one to goodwill.  Yippee!

This will be a busy week also getting ready for easter.  Spent part of spring break at the in laws, came back last night at 8 so house looks crazy messy!  It was really clean 2 weeks ago...  We did have a greta time though - mind you I ate way too much.

Tried to keep up with The Best Job in The World - Island Reef Job, but it was hard.  I barely spent time on ning.  I am surprised they bumped up the finalists from 11 to 16.  But I guess I change rules too - hehe.

I think Queensland Tourism has themselves in a very public pickle.
Whether they choose a foreigner or local, they will upset the opposite.
They simply cannot win.
I bet they hire both - change the rules again...
Why not!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Life rocks!

Yesterday's goodwill bag was so hard - so hard - to do!  40 more to go!  I know there is a lot more in the garage but it's still freezing out there!  I managed though.  It is really quite liberating.  It gets easier to part with things, but not for my DH.  I can see him cringe!  I want to be careful not to part with something we'll need again, that'd be foolish, but if it hasn't seen the light of day in years - maybe it's time!

And just what exactly am I to do with the millions of worksheets and drawings my kids bring home???  They are piling way up!!!  And there are years left to go...


So far this week has been great.  Did some baking, made some home-made soup, saw some friends (thanks friends - totally enjoyed it!) and got some great emails!  Thinking positively - and willing good things to come my way!  And saying some prayers too!  And it's working.

Life rocks!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

ahhhhhh Monday again!

Okay, so in a few minutes it'll be Monday again...goodwill bag!
man this week is going to be hard!
my lovely daughter is not going to part with much...
my son, well last week he was very giving, these week he only offered a half used box of kleenex.
really - VERY generous last week.  hehe
I guess I'll head into the garage.

This weekend was super busy for us. I hosted a baby shower so that was my focus, and my DH is getting ready for the collectable toy sale next weekend.  Yup!  We are selling the toys.  Makes me a bit nervous.  Man I hope it's worth it!  This is HUGE for us to part with stuff.  You know, the stuff that'll be worth $$$ someday... well todays the day! - well next Sunday actually is the day.

Found a cute little desk for $40 on kijiji... need to convince DH.  Plan to switch the kids rooms, so 2 boys have bigger room, and daughter's desk simply will not fit!  We got it from some very generous friends.  We'll have to pass that generosity on if we make the change.  Hope we do.

We know we need to... it's just going to be A LOT of work.  And painting too... sigh.

wish me luck tomorrow!  gotta fill that bag!  This will be number 12 Monday!  Somedays had more than one bag - so not bad so far!   definitely getting harder.  I challenge you!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

oh it's almost Monday...

school day
goodwill day
piano day
yay day
haircut for me day
not pay day
some play day
hope it's not a gray day
dpa walk day
hope that I can talk day
laundry day - every day
maybe wash the tub day.

found out I am rich.
Check this out Global Richlist
see where you are at!
I am the 106, 869, 566 richest person on earth.
And since i spend way too much - I bet you are richer.
But there are so very many who do without - you'll see - check it out!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

This weak week. Some Vents. Some thanks. Some prayers.

WOW!  What a day.  So far this week:
  • I did our Monday donation to goodwill.  I handed the big blue bag to my DH and suggested he put it in a black bag so kids would not look.  Next thing I know he's pulling stuff out.  Seriously!  Gotta be more careful next time!  It is getting harder and harder to do.
  • I totally dislike the time change.  I understand why we used to do it... do we still need to?  My 8 year old daughter is still wide awake at - what!!!  it's almost 11 pm!!!!
  • I am quite addicted to other people's blogs.  I wish more of my friends did it.  I just read strange random women's  blogs.  Mostly other mothers.  Thank you random strangers for sharing!
  • Extremely stressful week at kids school with the parent volunteers for the school dance.  UN-BEE-LEE-VA-BULL!!!  Most everyone - thanks for your time, but:  Way to suck my enthusiasm guy.  GRRR.  You robbed me of time with my kids and instead I spent it stressing about you.  Never again!
  • I am proud when I confronted individual mentioned in above point I did not lose my cool, I did not yell and I did not CRY!!!!  Yeah, my eyes teared at the very end of our "talk" but nay a tear rolled down!  THIS IS NEWS FOR ME PEOPLE!!!!
  • ahhhh VICKS.  I love you.  As I sit here and lose my voice... I love you.
  • Cannot wait for this warm next few days.  Oh Sweet Spring - I need you!
  • Cleaned out the van today.  WAAAAAAAY too hard to carry extra stuff in at minus 4o C when you have 3 kids.
  • I have tried black coffee 2 times this week - secretly.  Not bad.  Might consider it.  Might.
  • I have amazing friends and neighbours.  Everyone volunteered to drive extra when it was uber cold so babe and I could stay home.  I am so very blessed.
  • A dear old friend had surgery today.  BC.  I am praying for her and her family.  I do not think anyone knows.  I will respect that.
  • Another dear friend's mama has been in hospital for very long while... I am praying for her and her family.
  • The Island reef job has some scandal I think with an applicant. Porn or something.   More to come I bet.  Shoulda picked me!
  • Got some work done this week for the business.  Feel better about that.
  • got 1/4 of new pictures into album!!!  I am on a roll!
  • cleaned all the bathrooms, and got new laundry hampers for laundry room ( 3 to sort in) and that REALLY makes me excited and grateful!  Kids like it too.
  • I really appreciate the amazing neighbours I have - hope they never move!
We saw a women at the store Tuesday night.  It was almost 10 and she had 5 little girls with her at check out.  (foster kids maybe? - ages were all really close, but not impossible I guess)  Anyways, one kids was fullout temper tantrumming (totally not a word - I know!) on the floor and eveything for half an hour.  this women was so calm and kind.  She did not cave, she kept her cool and patience.  I was quite impressed.  All the while she respected this little girl and allowed her dignity.  It was so well handled, I actually went up and told her.  Let's all cheer each other on!

Friday, March 6, 2009


Yep I am scrambling.
Scrambling to get caught up with my pictures... get them printed and into albums.  I had intended to accomplish this more regularly, as well as get the last - oh I don't know - 20 years worth of pics into albums as well.  All before this sweet baby turns one.  Well times is running out!!!  I ordered last summer's pictures on line, and need to pick them up now.  I ordered the Christmas ones already through iphoto on the computer, but it took 2 weeks to receive them.  I am simply not that patient.  Mind you, they came right to the door and it may very well take me that long to go pick these up.  And yes they were lovely prints, nice quality.  Price works out the same too.  Found a fun bee and sunflower picture, and boy am I ready for the spring!  It just got colder this week... and the snow... and the wind... and the ice...   arghhh!   Anyways, I seriously doubt I'll get caught up on all the old photos... I can barely keep the dishes clean.  But I do enjoy my days! 

Monday, February 23, 2009

monday again... let the donations continue

Monday kind of snuck up on me this week... on account of "the flu" that was found lurking in the shadows...  and pounced on us all.  On the road to recovery but it sure has been hard getting the motivation in place to achieve much.  As you may or may not know, Monday is donation day.  When my daughter is at piano lessons we take a minimum of one large bag to goodwill.  I challenged myself to do this for a New Years Resolution.  So far, not a week missed.  Admittedly it is getting harder and harder to fill that bag.  This is good stuff we're putting in there!  Sometimes I think about ebay or a summer garage sale, but that seems very far away when it's -14 degrees C like today.  That temperature also makes it hard to search the vast array of boxes in the garage for stuff.  That'll make the summer much easier to purge.  Problem is when I find hotspots like that, I tend to take a van full at once instead of s t r e  t c h i n g it out.  Then I end up scrambling. Anyways, it's been 8 times to goodwill so far, and I gave a bunch to Terra (young moms) and you cannot even tell anything is MISSING!!!  I wish we had a scale, and I could have weighed the amount of pounds my house is losing.  maybe I'll check the goodwill stores and see if I can buy one!  haha!  If we know someone personally that could use the "goods" I give it (clothes etc.) otherwise goodwill.  My daughter has come up with things she wants to send, like her Polly Pockets - hundreds of dollars worth.  So do I just let her throw them in there cause she is ready to part with them?  when I see $$$$$ ?  She wants to "do something nice" for people that need it.  Just stuff I guess.

Joy is not in things, it is in US!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The flu is here... well not the real flu the health folks warn you about and want you to get the shot, but the puking "and more" flu. 

Saw this coming... lurking in the shadows waiting to pounce.  So many of the kids friends and some extended family have been ill.  Can't believe it got us!  Gotta be thankful as always though.  Thankful everyone got sick

 at home, not school or the mall or someone else's house.  Everyone made it to the loo or bucket in time.  THANK YOU KIDS!!!  I am worried it'll be me next, so I am madly trying to get laundry caught up.  I am super germaphobe with vomit so new bedding all around, needed or not. 

 And I use these wonderful NORWEX cloths for cleaning instead of chemicals... really they are the best!  Best for your family and environment.. you need some too!   So anyways, gotta wash the cloths.  Back to how madly I am doing laundry... I have four baskets to put away, yet here I am typing away... lying by me sweet sick girl.  And a pile at the machines.  But we all know it can keep.

Went shopping to The Mall last night.. All the young punks... loved it!!!  I actually am not a fan of the mall, but I had my 8 year old daughter along (and sister in law) and we had some great conversations about how all the teens were presenting themselves.  It was interesting listening to what my daughter thought of all their clothes and hair.  I am pretty sure she will have bright crayola coloured hair one day, but on the flip side I am equally sure she will not show her bare belly or thong with low jeans.  (alleluia!)

It was fun to shop with her.  I was quite sure she was getting sick though as she was just not her 100% fun self, even though we had a great time together.  The mall was uber hot too, guess they had the hot heat still pumping in, even though it was warmer outside.  I guess it's not quite spring yet... wishful thinking!  But we did make our reservations for beach camping this week!!  Got me looking through the pics from last year!  I ma quite excited, and we are going with a great group of people again.  (unless I am at the reef!!! )

Threw in some pictures to get you thinking about summer... bike rides... kayaking... can't wait!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Snow like Diamonds

Today, St.Valentine's Day.  The snow looked like diamonds.  It was so pretty really.  And it's been 10 years.  Yes, ten whole years. 

Ten years ago on Valentine's Day my dad died.  We were very close.  Our whole family is very close.  I think he would be extremely proud of all of us, and all we have become.

And he would have thought the snow pretty.

10 years

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Flower Pictures

Thought I'd add a few pics of flowers I took in June.
(okay, okay, they were in a bouquet, not my garden, but they were very real!)
Oh I miss flowers and the garden and even the bugs!
Maybe tomorrow I'll add the snowman pictures!

Monday, February 2, 2009


It is flying.
Oh I know everyone says that... off the cuff, but I am different.
I really realize it.
I really mean it.
This wee baby, now not so wee... almost 8 months old. Trying to crawl. Sitting up. Shaking his head "". Always amazing me... amazing everyone. He is as amazing as the other 2 kids.
Oh I know every parent thinks that of their kids, but I am different.

I know it.
As sure as the snow will go, as sure as the night will come. I know.

They are all a gift.
A blessing.

I am thankful. And I try to be a mother with patience. A mother like my mother. I only remember patience. Surely she lost her cool too. I do not remember that though. Perhaps my kids won't remember me loosing my cool either. Perhaps.

Dreaming about Australia has been a gift. Oh I know the chance is so very slim we would go - but a chance none the less. I fantasized about the lifestyle, about relaxing and living. About taking the time.

The time.
There is time here.
Take it now.

So I am trying. We are playing ball on the floor, the baby and me. The three kids and me. We are building snowmen. We are baking cookies the kids and me. We are doing chores together. My husband and daughter are emptying the dishwasher. We are cooking as a family.

We are a family. Taking the time. Making the time. Having dinner together. Often breakfast and lunch together too. This they say is unusual. (who's they? you know... THEY...) It is important, and brings joy. So we do it.
We will continue to do it.

I am thankful.
We are blessed.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Time and fat questions

Sunday night and I am taking the time to:
  • Bathe the baby (yay-three clean kids today!)
  • Plan Monday's dinner (meatloaf)
  • Gather the weekly Monday goodwill donation bag.  Piano lessons happen right next to the drop off for goodwill so NO EXCUSES!  I am trying to work on the "one in one out" way of life.  I bought a new spatula ( I know uber exciting!) so the old one had to go!  Then basically I felt I should fill the large black garbage bag - which brings me to a tip - ALWAYS USE A NON-SEE-THROUGH BAG as your kids will see through it, and we all know how that goes!
  • clean bedding (woohoo it's clean sheet day!) and tidy my room (I deserve it!)
  • write this blog!
I have been thinking about food, like chocolate and chips and junk really.  Maybe someone out there knows the answer to my question and will share.  
Question is:  Is there a maximum amount of fat etc. your body can absorb at once? 
Example: Is it better/healthier for you to eat the entire box of chocolates or bag of chips at once ( thinking alot goes to "waste" instead of the hips ) or have a chocolate a day? or ten chips a day?
Which allows your body to store more fat?  Is there a difference?

I'll leave that with you to ponder...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tea Time and Snow Bubbles

Well here we all sit, together in the house, all working on our own "project". Daughter is finishing homework, while enjoying a cup of tea. Older son is looking through recipe files he received for last years birthday, planning a meal for this week sometime while having a cup of tea. (Admittedly their tea is mostly sugar). Husband on couch on his laptop enjoying a cup of tea, with no sugar with Baby son asleep on his lap. And then there's me, at this blog, typing at the table enjoying my cup of tea. "Green tea - a harmonious blend with lemongrass and spearmint." Yup! I feel the harmony! And yummy tea! When we were on Christmas break from school I promised myself and the kids we'd take time for a tea party. Didn't happen. Well todays the day! It's so very cold out anyways. -23 C before windchill. Real feel is -35 C. Seriously. Which brings me to the next part of this post.

THE BUBBLES!!!! Ever wondered if you can blow bubbles outside when it is freezing? Really, you must try it! The quick answer is, yes you can! But the coolest part is how the bubble "behaves". They freeze, of course. You can pick them up and break, rather than POP them. It was interesting enough that the kids and husband were outside for almost half an hour! Let me know if you try it!
